Spiritual Botany is an interdisciplinary online magazine. We publish science- and research-based articles, personal pieces, and creative works that explore the interconnection between plants, spirituality, and human health.
We welcome submissions from a range of views and perspectives, including from scientists, explorers, scholars, artists, poets, policy makers, and others with insights into the plant world.
Please send all submissions by email to Dr. Praveen Saxena psaxena@spiritualbotany.com. There is no fee for submitting to Spiritual Botany.
The editors will review all submitted manuscripts to determine their suitability for publication. External reviewers may also be consulted for additional reviews. The editors may suggest changes to shorten or otherwise edit your work for clarity and effectiveness. All articles will be edited and formatted for the web.
All accepted contributions are published online at spiritualbotany.com.
Guidelines for All Submissions
Our readership is broad, with diverse backgrounds and interests. Given this, all submissions should be written in clear and concise language, be factually accurate, and be easily understood by a universal readership.
Use of Copyrighted Material
If a work has been previously published, permission must be granted from the copyright holder prior to publication on spiritualbotany.com.
All images submitted should be high resolution (minimum 900 pixels wide) and submitted in either *.tiff or *.jpeg format.
All written submissions containing information that is not primary should be referenced using formatting guidelines outline by the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition. Please see: http://www.apastyle.org/manual/index.aspx
Submission Format
- All written works should be submitted as a Word (*.doc or *.docx) file.
- Please include a cover page with the article title, your name, email address, and a 100-word biography.
- Use a common font (e.g. Times New Roman, Calibri) at 12 pt, and single spacing throughout.
- Please number the pages in the bottom centre
- Include both the common and scientific names of any plants described. Please consult The Plant List: http://www.theplantlist.org/.
- Species names should be written out in full (with italics and including botanical authority) upon first mention and abbreviated for each subsequent mention (see example below).
- Canby’s Lovage (Ligusticum canbyi Coult & Rose) has a long history of use….Traditionally, the roots of canbyi are collected in the fall….
We accept submissions in the following categories. Please see below for specific instructions.
Letters to the Editor
Letters to incite discussion amongst readers on topics related to spiritual botany are welcome. Readers are also encouraged to respond by submitting their own letters and viewpoints. As an interdisciplinary forum for discussion, Spiritual Botany Magazine welcomes thoughts and opinions from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds as long as they are written with respect for each contributing author’s viewpoint. In order to engage a wide audience, letters should written using language and terminology that is easily understood.
Feature articles should be based on original research or observations, extensive review of literature, analysis of a plant based concept, belief, mythological story, or cultural and spiritual tradition, or a wellness application.
Submissions should be 1,600 words or shorter. Please define any field-specific acronyms used in the article.
We are particularly interested in featuring articles that explore the following areas:
- Spiritual ecology and conservation of biocultural diversity
- Perspectives on the ritual use of plants – past, present and future
- Social, regulatory and legal frameworks governing the use of ceremonial plants
- Plant communication with the surrounding biotic and abiotic environment.
- History of herbal medicine and herbals
- Ethnobotany of ritualistic, sacred or ceremonial plants
- Pharmacognosy of plants used to achieve altered states of consciousness
Field Notes
Field Notes are based on personal experiences and can feature different styles of storytelling. Field notes may describe an experience involving plants that influenced or changed a personal philosophy of life, or discuss an interesting event or journey into the world of plants.
For example, submissions may include descriptions of one’s experiences while participating in a plant based ritual such as tree worship or shamanic rituals, healing experiences using a plant, a story about communicating with plants frequently versed in indigenous cultures, or another personal experience involving spiritual botany.
Plant Profiles
Spiritual Botany publishes plant profiles that outline the cultural use and significance of spiritual plants. All profiles should include the following information: Latin Name, Common Name(s), Distribution, Botanical identifiers, Conservation Status, Traditional Use(s), Cultural/Spiritual Significance, Current Importance to Society and References.
Submissions should be 1000-1,600 words. Please define any field-specific acronyms used in the article. Original photographs or images are encouraged with each submission (if available).
Creative Works
Photo Essays
Original photo essays that include a series of 3 – 10 original photographs with brief accompanying text may be submitted.
Examples of a photo essay may include: a trip to a botanical garden, ecosystems with unique plant species, birds and other animals making plants their home, and sites of destruction of plant biodiversity due to natural and man-made calamities.
Poetry or Short Fiction
Original poetry and short fiction related to any of the topics covered in Spiritual Botany magazine may be submitted. Accompanying original photographs or artwork is welcome.
Visual Artworks
Original visual artworks related to any of the topics covered in Spiritual Botany magazine may be submitted. Examples include paintings, photographs, sculpture, installations, or mixed media.
Original videos related to any of the topics covered in Spiritual Botany may be submitted. All videos submissions must be 2-10 minutes in length, and accompanied by a written synopsis and a credits list. The video must be hosted on an existing platform such as YouTube or Vimeo. Please submit all videos as a password protected link.
Emerging Researchers
Undergraduate and high school level researchers are encouraged to submit articles related to their experiences in either a formal or semi-formal research setting. The primary focus of this section is to showcase a range of learning and research experiences, while providing a platform for students to present their findings to a wider audience.
Examples articles include: experiences and interesting observations while conducting special projects in horticulture, plant physiology and biochemistry, conservation, management of forests and ecosystems, ethnobotany, human health, pharmacognosy, and psychology.
Submissions should be 500-1,600 words. Please define any field-specific acronyms used in the article.
Spiritual Botany Publication Policy and Advisory
Opinions expressed in articles and any other audio/video formats published in Spiritual Botany are sole responsibility of the authors. The Editorial board is dedicated to putting their best effort to screen, assess, and edit the material, but may still miss recent findings, controversies, and/or authenticity of the information presented, and copyright issues. Spiritual Botany does not assume any responsibility for omissions, errors, and misrepresentation of information that may occur due to an oversight by the editorial team.