An icy film,
H2O percolates wormholes,
Crystals deconstruct,
bonded molecules disassemble,

As sun radiates
photons punctuate connected cores,
Dissolve into indefinite shape,
Volume still maintaining,
Steeping until noon
then evaporate:
Moisture clean and clear,
White purity everywhere,
Seemingly still
but innately active,
The cycles of life are never wholly pensive.
Katharine Reszetnik is a third year Environmental Science major at the University of Guelph. She believes nature and the evolution of our diverse biosphere, molded by energetic abiotic forces is an enigma requiring exploration from all disciplines via multiple vehicles, whether that be poetry, prose, scientific observation or statistical analysis. Through a dedicated yoga practice, avid reading of contemporary poetry, classical guitar instrumentation and conservation commitments she hopes to more deeply understand the beautiful mosaic that is life on Earth.